With the M240 the US Army has one really heavy hitting 7,62mm machine gun to overwhelm its enemies with devastating fire power. The models shown above are both from RH Liberation's modern US Forces range of miniatures. I used a 30mm washer and small rocks to create the base. Now there is only some more special weapons to follow and my US Army infantry is almost completely done.
Tuesday, 29 June 2010
To the glory of Saddam (may it be toppled with an M88 tank!!)
This incredible huge statue is the 20mm version of what got toppled with a tank during the famous "Thunder Runs" into Baghdad in 2003. It's a massive resin kit that needed a lot of filling with green stuff and even more sanding afterwards. I kept the paintjob simple as the original wasn't very colouful either. The model shown is sold by Stonewall.