Sunday, 21 August 2011

The Guild Forum Big Game 2011 (UK): In-game photos

This weekend the UK based "Guild Forum Big Game" took place. Again (after last year's success) the guys wanted to play a "Cold War Gone Hot " scenario. Desertraider and Andy Rix along with some others took a lot of awesome pics that I would like to share with you. All pics displayed belong to the guys who participated in the game and are shown with prior permission. The figures, vehicles and terrain are part of the group's own collection or were donated by players of The Guild forum, who couldn't participate this year.

This is 20mm or 1/72 scale - mind that, when you look at the pics! Guys, you rock!!!

If you want to see more of stuff like this (I mean really epic 20mm armies, games and stuff), why don't you sign up for The Guild forum, too? It's free and a really great community for historical gaming. ;-) Link can be found on the right hand side's column.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

TOMORROW'S WAR: an exclusive sneak peek!

Shawn has given away a sneak peek into the brand new (although slightly delayed) Osprey edition of Tomorrow's War! I can't wait to get my hands onto that book! It's even bigger than the Force On Force core rules. You'll love it, I promise.

Saturday, 13 August 2011

HUMINT, August 2011, Vol. 1: new releases for gaming "moderns"

HUMINT = human intelligence. A new series of posts on my blog about news of various tabletop miniature producing companies concerning "moderns". The pictures were taken off the producers' catalogues with their prior permission. Cheers for that guys! Links to their webshops can be found within the right column of my blog (see sources for 20mm....).

New release from Elhiem Miniatures:

Iraqi Policemen

New releases from S&S models:

burnt out GAZ jeep wreck

car ablaze

TheHobbyDen new release:

civilian truck

Byzantinum Models new releases:

more middle eastern houses