Sunday, 25 September 2011

HUMINT, September 2011, Vol. 3: new releases for gaming "moderns"

HUMINT = human intelligence. A new series of posts on my blog about news of various tabletop miniature producing companies concerning "moderns". The pictures were taken off the producers' catalogues with their prior permission. Cheers for that guys! Links to their webshops can be found within the right column of my blog (see sources for 20mm....).

TheHobbyDen release:

UAZ (enclosed)

Elhiem Figures releases:

SA7 Anti Air Missile teams

82mm Mortar and Crew

AGS17 Plamya Grenade Launcher and crew

SPG9 Recoilless Rifle and crew

Somali armed with LMGs

Somalis armed with RPG's

Rioting Mob

Somali civilians with AK47s

Somali mob unarmed

Somali unarmed civilians
Delta Force Snipers with support

TheHobbyDen releases:

more boxes and stowage

Land Rover

Recce Land Rover

alternative Land Rover

Container Truck

IDF Shot-Upgrade Centurion

Thursday, 15 September 2011

A note from Andy Grubb (regarding Britannia and other stuff)

Hi guys, just passing on this message as I know quite a lot of you are waiting:

by Piers » 15 Sep 2011 12:49

Spoke to the Grubster last night...He wanted me to pass on a message to everyone, especially here on The Guild.

Firstly he wanted to pass on a big 'thanks' for everyones support and patience with him while he is sorting things out. He really appreciates it.Secondly, to those waiting for orders - He aint forgotten you! Everyones orders will get there he is working through the pile... and its a big pile!

I also wanted to say something myself. Having know Andy for, must be nearly 15 years since I first spoke to him at Wargamer in Aston many moons ago, he is one of the old cut of traders. The reason Dave wanted him to take on Britannia was that they were cut from the same cloth im my opinion. If you are waiting on stuff - You will get it. Andy is working through a backlog generated by an overwhelming response that he didnt expect to get, on top of a busy show schedule and sorting out all the Britannia stuff. To give you an idea of the scope of that, he still hasnt moved everything from Britannia and he still hasnt sorted all the moulds out! Andy wont mention it himself, but he has been working till 1am and 2am most nights trying to get everything done, sort out Britannia, cast and mould and attend shows... Oh and have a life too! Not too mention getting a second website finished! Anyway, I just wanted to pass that on and say he is still cracking on and its all going well. He still has alot of hard graft to do... but he is getting there. We also discussed the African Militia figures that Dave sculpted and sent me. Andy hasnt as yet found the mould for these, nor the other BAOR releases that Dave had ready just before he passed away. If the African mould dont turn up, I have offered my test-casts that Dave sent me to be used as masters. Hopefully that will work out. It would be nice tribute to Dave to get his unreleased work available for people to enjoy.

Monday, 12 September 2011

HUMINT, September 2011, Vol. 2: new releases for gaming "moderns"

HUMINT = human intelligence. A new series of posts on my blog about news of various tabletop miniature producing companies concerning "moderns". The pictures were taken off the producers' catalogues with their prior permission. Cheers for that guys! Links to their webshops can be found within the right column of my blog (see sources for 20mm....).

S&S Models releases for September:

paramilitary or police type forces,

these have modern body armour and webbing and are armed with modern us weapons, m16a1's and m60 mg's

ladies from africa, sold in packs of 8 assorted

M106 mortar carrier with mortar and crew (S&S also sells another mortar variant - 107mm and 82mm are available)

bedford rl 4 ton gs

ural 375 gs truck

half figs to create drive-by shooters: the white spec ops, european criminal gangs or body guards...

the africans....

...and after last month's Iraqis - here the Afghans.

TheHobbyDen releases for September:

HMMWV shelter carrier

Sunday, 11 September 2011

Ambush Alley Games and Ground Zero Games team up for miniatures for Tomorrow's War

Ambush Alley Games' sci-fi rules "Tomorrow's War" will get a line of its own miniatures made exclusively by Ground Zero Games. Thought you might like to hear that. :-D

I am looking forward to see the first ones.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

HUMINT, September 2011, Vol. 1: new releases for gaming "moderns"

HUMINT = human intelligence. A new series of posts on my blog about news of various tabletop miniature producing companies concerning "moderns". The pictures were taken off the producers' catalogues with their prior permission. Cheers for that guys! Links to their webshops can be found within the right column of my blog (see sources for 20mm....).

New release from Elhiem Miniatures:

Somali civilians (mob)

Delta Force "D-Boys" for '93 Somalia

TheHobbyDen releases:

Brian got a lot of ready-made diecasts in stock. The latest include Stryker variants and the USMC light missile artillery HIMARS.

Various loads for the civilian truck released a couple of days ago.