Saturday, 23 May 2015

"Rynn's World" - a Rogue Trader 40k campaign: Crimson Fists NCO academy? Some Sergeants finished!

In the few hours of spare time that I have had available during vacation (mostly speding time for refurbishing the house/garage and tidying up my garden), I still managed to get some Sergeants done for various squads.

Backbone of the battle company.
Just regular squad leaders and rank insignia to prove it :-)
Tactical Squad SGT (for "Battle for Armageddon" booklet scenarios)
Battered & bruised, but unbroken. Tactical Squad SGT (for a "Survivors" scenario)
Support Squad SGT ("Wolftime" campaign squad)
Support Squad SGT ("Wolftime" campaign squad)
Tactical Squad SGT ("Wolftime" campaign squad)
Tactical Squad SGT ("Wolftime" campaign squad)
... next: squad mates!

Saturday, 2 May 2015

"Rynn's World" - a Rogue Trader 40k campaign: Crimson Fists Support Squad WIP#1

After being away from the painting table for two weekends, I managed to finish the first few models of what's going to be two support squads for the Crimson Fists army.

A mix of Lascannons and Heavy Bolters - still missing are the Missile Launchers and the Sergeants.

Four Lascannons and two Heavy Bolters for starters