Thursday 13 August 2009

The Dragon Rises: WZ 551 IFV and Type 99 MBT

What you can see above is a very early WIP shot of the two main vehicles you will spot in my PLA project soon. Both are from the excellent 20mm scale range of modern era resin kits of Shaun Matthews (S&S models). As you can see there is more than just resin and metal parts on those kits. Although I think that Mr. Matthews has done a fantastic job in the creation of these, it was obvious to me that I can add a lot of details with just kit-bashing some Revell plastic kits to get parts.

For example I added the undercarriage and wheels of a German Luchs to the WZ 551, as well as some tools, tail lights, rear view mirrors and wheels. In case of the Type 99 I replaced the whole main gun with T-72 parts and added the fuel drums to the back. By no means I do claim the vehicles are now exact copies of their original exemplars, but there is no doubt they do certainly look a lot better with those bits. If you like them, feel free to leave some feedback.

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