Wednesday 30 September 2009

Winners of the Britannia Build at the Guild: the competition is over

The competition is over at the forum of the guildwargamers.
The first time ever I took part in such a thing and guess what - I really made 4th in the ranks of 34 competitors !!!
Not even that - I was later awarded with the price of the 3rd rank, because one of the top 3 ranks was also painting for the competition's sponsor on a regular basis.

In other words, I am 4th in the ranks but got awarded Bronze !!! I am proud that people liked my ZIL-157 truck and my T-55 Battle tank.

I will for sure take part in any other sponsored competition again in that forum. It was a funny, fair and an interesting match and made me finally paint something from start to finish in one go.

I will go back on working with my Chinese PLA next. Stay tuned!

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