Sunday 28 February 2010

Two-storey Middle Eastern house: TV shop and Drinks Market

The building shown above comes from the 25mm range of pre-built/painted terrain of The Building Authority. A nice feature of these is that their rooftops can be removed to make the building look damaged or destroyed or simply to place miniatures within. I am no longer into 25mm gaming and hence the doors on this building were way to huge compared to a 2omm miniature. I used putty (Revell) and styrene sheet (1mm thick) to re-size the entrances. Once it was all dry I gave the whole house a new paintjob with colours that I found more fitting the middle east, for example the bricks are now looking more like they are made from mud. I decorated the whole thing with posters in Arab writing and added the shop signs over the doors. The air-conditioner-units are resin parts made by Shaun over at S&S Models. The satellite dish is self-made out of the bottom of plastic wrapping of fresh eggs that I bought in a supermarket (never throw away something you might need later ;-) ), its antenna is made from 1mm wire and plastic sprue left-overs. For comparison to the size of this building I placed an US Army soldier (RH Liberation) and a M2 Bradley (Dragon 1/72 scale) next to it. Comments are welcome as always - please stay with the English language when commenting.

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