Monday, 22 March 2010

Modern US Army: M113 A3 APC is done!!

My Trumpeter 1/72 scale M113 A3 armoured personnel carrier is finally done!! Complete with base, decals, crew and some subtle weathering (rust marks). I really love my work this time. Must be the best vehicle I built so far. It took forever to paint all the stowage and highlight them (no inks used on this model!). Hope you like it!


  1. Great work!
    Love the stowage - the sheer amount of it!
    Traffic cones adds a surreal touch...

  2. Amazing work!
    An yes... I like it very much!!

  3. Nice one, Chris - very impressive! Love the sowage "swag" hanging all over it.
    I am getting into Ambush Alley too, but 15mm as I want to keep costs down and limit it (initially) to a 2' board.
    What 20mm figures do you prefer, mate - just out of interest?

    All the best,


  4. @Monty: please see a selection of producers right under my profile here in my blog!

    @Hetairoi: Thanks. Appreciate that.

    @Donogh: At least now you can see the tank under all of that. ;-)

  5. sweet, the traffic cones are a great touch- looks like its checkpoint time

  6. @John: given the sandbags, barbed wire and the cones I'd say "yes - anytime, anywhere" XD
