Wednesday 7 July 2010

Modern US Army: "widow-makers" Sniper team on overwatch

The idea behind that little diorama was to have a weapons team for Force-On-Force, showing snipers behind cover, providing overwatch into multiple directions.
The miniatures are once again RH Liberation. The Barett .50cal Anti-Material-Rifle is from Rolf's modern French range of miniatures (I intended to use him for my Germans, but then decided to put him onto this base), while the M21 sniper rifle comes from the sniper team set out of Rolf's 1990 modern US series of minis.
The chain-link is fence is a piece of brass-etched basing material from Games Workshop's Urban Basing Kit. The pillars holding it in place I took from Italeri's battlefield accessoires (normally they are for the creation of steel tank traps).

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