Wednesday 2 February 2011

Scale shots, vol. 3 / House Kurita Infantry squad finally has arrived

Finally, after three long weeks of waiting, my Rebel Minis 15mm infantry has arrived. I use these figures as House Kurita's regular infantry (they look Japanese to me, must be the style of the battle plate and helmet). In this comparison you can also see how they look next to "Kanazuchi" (left) and "Ravager" (right) Battle Armor.
This impressive pictures shows Kurita's next reinforcements, towering over the regular infantry. I'd say they are perfectly sized to look good next to each other on the table.
Twenty-one men form an Inner Sphere platoon, so I go with seven men in a squad. I have put one light AT weapon and a flamer into every squad. Here some of them are next to a "Rifleman" Mech.
And another sidenote: 25.000+ views now. Wooo-hooo ;-)

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