Tuesday 26 April 2011

Grubby Tanks and Britannia Miniatures - April 2011 update

On the behalf of Piers, I post this in my blog to let you know about Andy Grubb working hard on getting Britannia Miniatures back into action!

written by Piers Brand » 26 Apr 2011, 12:11

Just spoke to Andy today and he asked me to post a quick update on things as he is very busy!
He has moved alot of the Britannia stuff over to his premises, and moving the 'Monster' that Dave created is taking time. He has a number of ranges that aint seen the light of day for years, let alone even getting things properly sorted. But he hopes to have a few metal ranges back in production over the next couple of weeks, quickly followed by the resin vehicles. Andy really is working full tilt on this, so fair play to him. He is also trying to get the website updated with pictures as well. On top of this, he also has some new releases... Not to mention starting on yet another new range of WW2 figures for Kellys Heroes... Sadly I cant what it is yet, but it will be good!
So, if you are after Britannia stuff, I would suggest dropping him a line and seeing if he either has it in stock or when its liable to get produced. I think he is conscious of the desire for the modern ranges, so they may well get his attention first. But as always, the best option is to drop him a line. Im going to keep The Guild updated as often as Andy feeds me news, (...)
I for one will give him all the support I can over the next few months as I imagine it will be hard work getting everything sorted and running right. He does have some new things coming soon, so hopefully next week I may have some new bits to show off for him!


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