Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Ambush Alley: Force on Force Official Figures

Matt announced the following today:

Elhiem Figures is very proud to announce they are now the Official Modern Figures for the rules of modern conflict; Ambush Alley: Force on Force!
As the Official Modern Figures for Force on Force, Elhiem Figures will be working closely with Ambush Alley to flesh out existing ranges and provide figures for future releases.

We will be updating our website this week with the news as well as our first changes of existing ranges to harmonise them with FoF army lists.
The first changes will be to remove the existing OIF (Operation Iraqi Freedom) US infantry and replace them with IBA (interceptor Body Armour) range. The IBA will consist of new and re-worked OIF figures placed into packs that will expand the original line and make picking your figures for FoF easier.
The new IBA range will have sniper teams, a medic, NCO's, JTAC and mortar teams.
In addition we will start FoF Battle Packs, pre picked packs that will allow you to buy all you need to start playing (other than paint and preparation).


  1. Well I'm a fan of his stuff, so this is good news from my perspective.
