Wednesday, 16 November 2011

I saw a sign.... The Road To Baghdad: Iraqi Highway Signs

Force On Force's first supplement is called "Road To Baghdad". I am in need for more Iraqi looking terrain. I thought an "actual" road to Baghdad would just do, especially as it is used in some scenarios/missions.
Task Force 1-64 on its way to Baghdad.

I made the highway signs using styrene profiles and sheets from Evergreen.

The actual signs came from a decal sheet from TheSquare. They were applied onto 1mm styrene sheet and then glued into place.

This layout only displays a fast scene I set up for the pics. The gaming table for the scenarios will be twice this size to give the Americans a challenging distance to travel while being attacked from left and right.

These road signs aren't exactly in scale as they are from Verlinden's range for dioramas in 1/35.

Nonetheless I think they fit just fine.

Another shot of the Verlinden variant.

The roads are from ESLO terrain of Germany. Lamp poles are 1/87 H0 scale and the telegraph poles from Italeri.

TF 1-64 scanning for targets.

Just another generic shot from the miniature's perspective. :-D

More terrain to come...


  1. Very nice. Me like it :)


  2. Those signs do look good, give the right atmosphere to the road!

  3. These are great, nice work.

  4. Terrain looks great! Having been there myself, I can tell you the signs are PERFECT! I have pictures of my Battery's vehicles on Route "Tampa" (Iraq Highway 1) and your TF 1-64 signage is dead-on - takes me back to the sandbox!

  5. Fantastic scenery & miniatures, very atmospheric!
