Friday 25 November 2011

WWII Special Rules from 1st Edition Force on Force

Published by Shawn Carpenter over at
Friday 25 November 2011, 03:36

First Edition Force on Force included special rules for adapting the game for use with WWII scenarios. These sections were omitted from Second Edition (the “Osprey” edition), in which we chose to focus entirely on post-war, modern combat. We’ve received a constant stream of requests to post these rules up so that players with the new edition of the rules could also use them.

Well, here they are!

Here’s a couple of important caveats to bear in mind with the use of these rules:

1. These rules have not been modified in any way from their 1st Edition format. You may find that you need to make some modifications to use them with the 2nd Edition of the rules.

2. The rules presented here may or may not be carried over for use in an upcoming Ambush Alley Games WWII rule set.

With those comments aside, ENJOY!

- The Crew at Ambush Alley Games.

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