Sunday, 8 April 2012

CBT into TW 1.2

Here it is (updated April 11):

comments under




  1. Just found this post and see the rules have been removed. I am hoping the rules are being included in a future Ambush Alley publication - very excited if this is so.

  2. Does anyone read the full text at all? The disclaimer says there is NO ruleset on the Battletech universe to be published by AAG. This is a private project. It's not going to be released in any major way and thanks to someone who thought it was funny, there is not even the free download of my interpretation of rules any longer, due to having been reported as a copyright issue. Same copyright that would forbid a release as the rights are not in my or AAG's possession. In other words, I'll continue to develope the rules, there is also a "brainstorming" thread on AAG forums, but I will NOT provide my file to anyone that I don't know in person any longer.

  3. Huge apologies - made an assumption and hope can be forgiven. Good luck with the private house rules they look promising.

  4. ....btw - tried finding the full text without success. These surely would be 'house-rules' and as long as Ambush Alley have a disclaimer saying they have nothing to do with these rules they are safe. Still I have managed to get some ides from the thread on the forum so many thanks for your work on that.
    A pity someone reported the copyright issue - I wish you all the best and many fun hours gaming with the mechs you have.
    (Personally am aiming at 15mm scale with the 2 Madcats in museum scale, 2 Dragons and a Daishi I sourced from somewhere)

  5. No problem at all, Rubixcube. It's sad that it had to come this way. We'll see if the future allows for another way of public discussion on my ideas without having me trapped in copyright issues. Just check back every now and then.
