Friday 1 June 2012

Tomorrow's War meets Battletech: Clan Wolf Beta Galaxy "Kit Fox" B

Time for the next minor update on Clan forces. Another Kit Fox (Uller), this time in configuration "B". This is a heavily converted former Mechwarrior Clix figure that I have re-based.
 With only 30 tons this Mech sports an enormous AC/10 Ultra in its right arm, combined with a SRM 6 launcher. The arm is a combination of various Mechwarrior Dark Age Mech parts.
 Details of the AC/10 Ultra.
 The back doesn't look any different compared to my Kit Fox "A".
 The business end of the Clan Mech shows the broader shoulders compared to the "A" configuration.
The laser arm is the same as on version "A". It contains a Medium and a Small Laser.

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