The RVN-3L was House Liao's attempt to create a Mech specificly for electronic warfare. With the on-going border clashes between Liao and the Federated Suns, a few have fallen into House Davion's hands. | | | |
The miniature is a MW:DA repaint with some minor modification, like the SRM-6 launcher that I have added to the right torso.
This front shot reveals the Harpoon SRM-6 rack that I have added to the right torso. The grey areas underneath the cockpit (the "beak" of the Raven) are supposed to resemble Active Probe and ECM domes. |
I had to add some rocks to the base to give the Raven a little more height. The MW:DA miniature is nice, but a bit small. |
Main armament of the Raven, whose function is to shield its accompanying Mechs from enemy sensors, are two Ceres Arms Medium Lasers and a Harpoon SRM-6 rack. |
With the Apple Churchill "Guiding Light" NARC beacon, the Raven provides a magnet for LRMs launched by friendly units, while the nose mounted TAG helps targeting Arrow IV artillery accordingly. | | | | | |
Since the introduction of ECM into the PC game Mechwarrior Online, the RVN-3L has become quite popular. Everyone seems to run one now. As I kind of liked the look of the Mech provided in TRO: 3050, I was happy to find the MW:DA miniature being not too much off.
I think the Raven will serve my recon lance perfectly.
nice little walker there... it looks quite spooky thank goodness its not jet black or I would have nightmares