Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Battle For Skira: USMC Star Force 21 WIP #4

After months of stompy robots and acid-blooded Aliens here is for a change a little bit of progress on my 1/72 scale UH-1Y Venom:

FLIR turret added, laser sensors, antennas and wire cutters, chaff and flare dispensers and landing gear
changed the side of rear rotor and replaced the 2-bladed one with 4 blades. The little "wings" on the rear beam have been moved further to the back. Main rotor assembly changed from 2-bladed to 4 rotor blades.
Still needs some sanding here and there (exhaust ports) and the doors and weapon payload is still missing, but its finally showing the shape of an UH-1Y.
The pride of my work on this conversion: the new rotor dome which was sculpted with green stuff. It will look a lot better once it has been sprayed with primer - that's going to blend everything together.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's very cool! Great work, it'll look amazing when it's finished.
