Wednesday, 27 July 2016

AvP: The Hunt Begins - latest rules leak‬ update

Day 13, ‪#‎RulesLeak‬
So far, we have seen many balance changes and reworkings. This time we are going to spend some time with our more casual friends, who enjoy playing a more “narrative mode” with their heroic veterans or cunning aliens, using the same list throughout all missions.
As mentioned before, we have changed the leveling system along with the lists. You can no longer purchase levels for your squads. Experience and Leveling is only optionally used when a campaign has been agreed upon, and you play with your casual group. This is a ‪#‎RulesRedesign‬

At the end of the mission, each player attributes experience to his forces in a different way. However, all gain experience in the exact same way. When an enemy model is removed as a casualty due to a player’s actions, the player gains a number of frags according to the base size of the model removed (small 1 / medium 2 / large or no base 5 frags per level of model removed). This number is noted on the profile of the Squad responsible for the kill, and counted at the end of the mission.

How are levels gained:
When the Marines gain Frags, the Marine Player makes a note of which squad caused the casualty and adds the appropriate Frags to that squad. At the end of the scenario, each squad not completely removed from play gains 2 Frags, to represent the tactical input and know-how they provide against combating these alien races. Then, each squad gains a level for every 10 Frags it has gained.
When a squad gains enough Frags to advance a level, it gains the relevant upgrade/s at the beginning of the next mission or scenario. These upgrades are cumulative and are maintained throughout the Campaign. A squad’s level can’t be increased past the maximum level allowed in the relevant Faction Rules.
Please note that for experience purposes, Sentry Guns may never gain Frags and Levels, by any means.

2) Xenomorphs
Instead of being divided into units, the hive instead gains experience relevant to each Model’s base size. The Alien Player only takes notes of the number of Frags his Force has acquired. At the end of the scenario, all Alien Models in the Force gain a single level if the following Frag total has been achieved for their base size:
Small: 7
Medium: 10
Large or No base: 15
The hive may never gain more than one Level per scenario. Regardless of the number of Frags, if the Alien Player achieves victory via completing his Mission Objective, then the hive is considered to having achieved 15 Frags.
Please note that Facehuggers gain Frags as normal, but do not gain any Level bonuses.

3) Yautja
The Yautja use their advanced technology to store information in their ship’s databank. When the Predators gain Frags, the Predator Player makes a note of which squad caused the casualty and adds the appropriate Frags to that squad. At the end of the scenario, each squad gains a level for every 10 Frags it has gained. Then, the Predator Player discards the Frags used to level up a squad, and keeps all remaining Frags to that squad for the next scenario.
Please note that for experience purposes, Hellhounds do not gain Frags and Levels, by any means.

4) Level Upgrade Bonus
A Level provides the following benefits to Models:
Level 2: Allows a +1 bonus to either a RS or CC skill (select one)
Level 3: Rewards 1 reroll of a single die per Game Turn (use spare tokens or Coins on the unit’s card to denote these re-rolls.)
Level 4: The unit can now attempt to ignore non power shot wounds with Heal, relevant to its base size:
Small: Heal (4)
Medium: Heal (5)
Large or No base: Heal (6)

Models which already have the “Heal” skill instead increase that skill by one point, unless the number in the list is better.

At the beginning of the next Scenario it is assumed that well informed reinforcements arrive or your heroic models that were removed as casualties in the earlier mission were only wounded and are ready to fight again!

The maximum level a squad could reach is 4.

Day 14, ‪#‎RulesLeak‬
Well friends, it’s about time we started talking about creating random scenario maps. Step 2 has had a major shift to accommodate large armies This is a ‪#‎RulesRedesign‬
Although, I must say that if you wish to play really larger armies, I do recommend you play the Wargame once it is released

2. Choosing a Deployment Area – Each faction has its own deployment rules as presented below:

2.1. Marine Force – Before setting up Tiles, the Marine Player takes as his Starting Area one Room Tile and extra tiles based on the following list:
Up to 12 Occupation Points: 1 Room – no extra Tiles
Up to 20 Occupation Points: 1 Room – One straight Tile
Up to 32 Occupation Points: 2 Rooms – One “T” intersection Tile
Up to 44 Occupation Points: 3 Rooms – One “Cross” intersection Tile

The Marine Player connects the Rooms and extra Tile together, and adds a Door to the side of the Extra Tile not connected to a Room. At any point, instead of placing a Tile during Tile Placement, he may connect the tiles allocated as his Starting Area to any Tile already placed, as long as they fit. In the rare occasion that the Starting Area will not fit any position on the Map, the Marine Player must place an extra clear straight tile so that it does.

2.2. Alien Force – Before setting up Tiles, the Alien Player takes in front of him a total of 5 Infested Tiles of any shape. The Alien Player may only deploy Infested Tiles from his reserve until it is depleted, and then he may pick and deploy any tile as normal.

2.3. Predator Force – Before setting up Tiles, the Predator Player takes in front of him as his Starting Area a number of Predator Pod or Predator Ship Tiles with total Occupation Points greater than the total number of Occupation Points his initial Force has (including Vocal Mimicry Tokens), and connects them together. If you do not possess enough Predator Pod or Predator Ship Tiles, the Predator player may instead use clear Straight Tiles. At any point, instead of placing a Tile during Tile Placement, he may connect the tiles allocated as his Starting Area to any Tile already placed, as long as they fit. If on the last Placement Turn the Player has not yet placed his Starting Area, he is obliged to place his Starting Area instead of a tile. In the rare occasion that the Starting Area will not fit any position on the Map, the Predator Player must place an extra clear straight tile so that it does.

Happy Big Game Hunting.

So, Day 15, ‪#‎RulesLeak‬
Today I will not be leaking anything. Today, I will confirm having sent the document back after proofreading (much better huh?). So, rather soon we will be getting the printable version, however most of the changes are already out there for you to use. Sorry for the delays folks. Life does happen

There will not be any more leaks because there is not much crucial stuff to be leaked. Any next updates will refer to dates and items to be created. I will need to converse with Jarek and probably he will create an official update for us all.

Till then, have any of you tried the game using the Leaks? What's your opinion?

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