Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Something Alien arrived

My latest ebay haul:

A Sedition Wars Dr. Ridley that will serve as base miniature to convert Ripley with Newt and something vintage to complement my Leading Edge Games Aliens Board Game. 


  1. Cool, remember rule one "Nuke the site from orbit, it's the only to be sure...." ;-)

  2. If you don't, "game over man, game over !!" ^^


  3. Nice! I still have mine... somewhere....? I was so excited when it coma out as I LOVED Aliens! I don't think there is another movie I've watched more times (except, perhaps, Bladerunner?). Unlike the board game (which I played many, many times) I never actually got to playing the role-playing game - I don't remember anything about the system, other than I was underwhelmed by it at the time...

  4. Really nice, personally I'm waiting for the new Aliens RPG we've seen sneak peaks about.
