Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Tomorrow's War: official cover revealed

Shawn, Robby and Peggy have revealed the official front cover artwork for the forthcoming (although delayed by one month) Tomorrow's War game.
Some guys were faster (thank you, dear workmates) posting this (cheers to Dropship Horizon's crew) - but hey.... you can't have everything. :-D

Sunday, 26 June 2011

HUMINT, June 2011, Vol. 3: new releases for gaming "moderns"

HUMINT = human intelligence. A new series of posts on my blog about news of various tabletop miniature producing companies concerning "moderns". The pictures were taken off the producers' catalogues with their prior permission. Cheers for that guys! Links to their webshops can be found within the right column of my blog (see sources for 20mm....).

S&S Models releases for June:

Sat Comm Link equipment
Modern Trial/Enduro bike

ATVs, four and six-wheeled. Trailer with various loads.

ATV trailer, comes with different loads.

TheHobbyDen releases for June:

Israeli M113.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Grubby Tanks and Britannia Miniatures - June 2011 update

On the behalf of Piers, I post this in my blog to let you know about Andy Grubb working hard on getting Britannia Miniatures back into action!

written by Piers Brand » 23 June 2011, 09:57

Guys,Spoke to Andy last night and he wanted me to let people know he is very busy but working like a demon to get through things! He is recently back from holidays and is working flat out to clear orders and set up Britannia Miniatures. He is getting emails and is trying to reply as soon as he can - So bear with him for a little while longer, he is flat out! He is also trying to get the GrubbyTanks site illustrated with as many pictures as possible.

But his hard work is bearing fruition...

Yes, the new Britannia Miniatures website is up, though its still got an awful lot of work to be done on it, this will give you some idea of his plans for the future. Andy is trying to add all Britannia ranges to this site, so you may well see some old forgotten ranges coming back! Im going to be supplying images for the ranges as much as I can, so Andy to hopes to have a good selection of things illustrated to start with.

So maintain your patience and keep your eyes peeled! Andy is almost there!

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Tomorrow's War release date has changed

Our Sci-Fi rules "Tomorrow's War" that were supposed to be released in September suffer from a delay of one month.

Shawn Carpenter, head of Ambush Alley Games said today:

Sorry, guys. We've just learned that Tomorrow's War's release date has slid from September 18th to October 18th. The slip was unavoidable in order for the printers to deliver us a book of the quality that we expect you to expect.
Fear not regarding our debut at Recruits in September, however. We will be receiving a quantity of books in advance to support the debut - so the book will be available for purchase from us at the Fall Recruits convention in Lee's Summit, MO, September 9th - 11th.
We're very sorry for the delay, but I assure you it was necessary and the improved product will be worth the extra 30 day!
Best wishes,
Shawn, Robby, & Peggy

Monday, 13 June 2011

Tomorrow's War meets Battletech: new reinforcements on the painting table (WIP)

The latest shipment of Dougram toys (Takara Nippon Sunrise figures) and ExoSquad 3inch figures has arrived - the old 80's designs that were used to depict the Mechs called Rifleman, Warhammer, Longbow and Shadowhawk. Four more figures are en route to me, bringing my collection of 15mm compatible war-walkers to a total of 25+ !!!

Saturday, 11 June 2011

HUMINT, June 2011, Vol. 2: new releases for gaming "moderns"

HUMINT = human intelligence. A new series of posts on my blog about news of various tabletop miniature producing companies concerning "moderns". The pictures were taken off the producers' catalogues with their prior permission. Cheers for that guys! Links to their webshops can be found within the right column of my blog (see sources for 20mm....).

Elhiem Figures release that I forgot to post last week:

Soviet VDV in Afghanistan

TheHobbyDen releases for June 2011:
20mm resin gaming models. Painted by Piers Brand.

WC53 Power Wagon


Mercedes 260SL as in use as taxi cab in many middle eastern countries

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Wargaming "Africa" - some miniature comparisons.

I would like to start with saying "thanks!" to Jose V. for taking this pic. He had opened a topic at the Guild about miniatures for gaming "Africa" in 20mm.
I don't own any on my own at this time, but thought it would be a handy resource for you guys out there to look at for some of the forthcoming books from Ambush Alley Games in 2012 ("Day Of The Rangers" and "African Bush Wars").
So, Jose shows us some of the miniature producers that currently have a line of miniatures with typical African appearance. I should point out to the latest S&S Models' releases for Africa that aren't included in the above pic. You can find those by following the HUMINT series of articles or clicking the appropriate label listed.

Thursday, 2 June 2011

HUMINT, June 2011, Vol. 1: new releases for gaming "moderns"

HUMINT = human intelligence. A new series of posts on my blog about news of various tabletop miniature producing companies concerning "moderns". The pictures were taken off the producers' catalogues with their prior permission. Cheers for that guys! Links to their webshops can be found within the right column of my blog (see sources for 20mm....).

TheHobbyDen releases for June 2011:

20mm resin gaming models. Painted by Piers Brand.

T-72 tank. Resin hull with metal barrel.

Elhiem Figures new releases for June 2011:

TAL06 AQ Shadow Army

SF06 Veteran Advisors

OSP04 Female MPs (UK) with dogs

OSP03 modern UK forces

OSP02 modern UK forces

OBJ03 US door gunners (two dismounted)


IDF02 Israeli soldiers

FP07 French Paratrooper mortar crew

FP07 Pilots, 1950-1960s

FP05 French Parartroopers carrying wounded comrade

FP04 French Paratrooper light MG teams on the move

CWR05 cold war Russians with AT-4 guided AT-missile

CWR04 cold war Russians with heavy DShK machine gun and two crew

CWR03 soviet infantry (cold war) in camo suits

CWR02 cold war Soviet infantry in body armour

CWR01 Soviet cold war era infantry in basic webbing

BWG01 armed femals