Thursday, 23 June 2011

Grubby Tanks and Britannia Miniatures - June 2011 update

On the behalf of Piers, I post this in my blog to let you know about Andy Grubb working hard on getting Britannia Miniatures back into action!

written by Piers Brand » 23 June 2011, 09:57

Guys,Spoke to Andy last night and he wanted me to let people know he is very busy but working like a demon to get through things! He is recently back from holidays and is working flat out to clear orders and set up Britannia Miniatures. He is getting emails and is trying to reply as soon as he can - So bear with him for a little while longer, he is flat out! He is also trying to get the GrubbyTanks site illustrated with as many pictures as possible.

But his hard work is bearing fruition...

Yes, the new Britannia Miniatures website is up, though its still got an awful lot of work to be done on it, this will give you some idea of his plans for the future. Andy is trying to add all Britannia ranges to this site, so you may well see some old forgotten ranges coming back! Im going to be supplying images for the ranges as much as I can, so Andy to hopes to have a good selection of things illustrated to start with.

So maintain your patience and keep your eyes peeled! Andy is almost there!


  1. I'm a bit concerned about Grubby tanks. I placed an order at the end of December, we ar now in the second week of February and in spite of three e-mails I have received one non commital response. So what do I do, continue to try and be ignored, give up and go elsewhere? Anyone any ideas?


  2. Grubby Tanks Not the weathered variety, it is a company that sells tanks and soldiers in 20mm. They have taken over the Brittania range- a good range, but I want to warn anyone wishing to order from them by relating my experience. I placed a small order with them at the end of December to check them out. AS of today, I have not received them, nor a refund or explanation as to why. I have sent a number of e-mails, only one of which received a reply which didn't address anything. They can only be contacted through their web site or by e-mail as they have no postal address or telephone number. This is Grubby Tanks- owner I believe, is Stephen Grubb, or Brittania miniatures who are possibly not the most deserving case for a charitable donation, and not to be trusted for an orer paying hard earned cash. I would appreciate it if this can be passed on, we don't need to be ripped off. About three weeks ago I did advise them that if I didn't hear from them I would alert as many of the war games community as I could, and even this did not get a response.

    Tim Harris

  3. I don't know, Tim. Well, it took me about 30 seconds to find the address and telephone number for Grubby tanks:

    check this out, call, and get helped out. Andy is a good guy and believe me, he will make up for your long wait.
