Wednesday 22 June 2011

Tomorrow's War release date has changed

Our Sci-Fi rules "Tomorrow's War" that were supposed to be released in September suffer from a delay of one month.

Shawn Carpenter, head of Ambush Alley Games said today:

Sorry, guys. We've just learned that Tomorrow's War's release date has slid from September 18th to October 18th. The slip was unavoidable in order for the printers to deliver us a book of the quality that we expect you to expect.
Fear not regarding our debut at Recruits in September, however. We will be receiving a quantity of books in advance to support the debut - so the book will be available for purchase from us at the Fall Recruits convention in Lee's Summit, MO, September 9th - 11th.
We're very sorry for the delay, but I assure you it was necessary and the improved product will be worth the extra 30 day!
Best wishes,
Shawn, Robby, & Peggy

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