I've been asked by a couple of users of German wargaming-related forums I frequently browse through, if I could do some example of Force On Force gameplay in German.
After I asked Shawn at AAG for permission (which I received), I spent the whole day with translating examples that Shawn himself had created. He used drawn maps to give gamers a better understanding of what was described in the text. I went for a more appealing approach and set up a gaming table and brought my miniatures to get some exciting pictures taken.
Here are a couple of the pics I used as an example:
The German version can be found
Die deutsche Version der Beispiele für Force On Force Spielsituationen könnt ihr hier finden.
Ambush Alley Games recently has created a
Wiki page that does include those example in their original English version. I do recommend to save that page in your favourites. There is more and more of free stuff for FoF gamers available and you'll always will find it there!