Another update on Clan forces. This Mech is more or less a test piece. I tried the paint scheme for Beta Galaxy with the paints I had at home (a mix of GW, Vallejo and oil paints) only to see how it would turn out. It's not the best miniature - a re-painted Mechwarrior miniature - but I am pleased with the choice of colours. Looks as expected (at least to me).
30 tons of Clan OmniMech power
The Kit Fox is a light Clan OmniMech with long-range combat as a primary focus, earning it the Inner Sphere codename of Uller, after the Norse god of archery.
Alternative configuration "A" as shown on the miniature carries a Gauss Rifle. A pretty nasty surprise given the weight of the Kit Fox.
The other arm carries two Medium Lasers. Those are powerful enough to deal damage in significant amounts.
Back detail of the torso. I decided to put the Mech on top of some rocks to increase its height. For my opinion it was too tiny compared to other light Mechs i have in my collection.
The Kit Fox A in comparison to the Elemental point I had finished recently.